
Life's like a multiple choice question, sometimes the choices confuse you, not the question itself

#SabtuSharing – Saatnya berbagi Ilmu.

Sabtu Sharing

Hari sabtu beberapa minggu lalu kantor @eviopro kedatangan pembicara eksternal yg sharing byk ttg Marketing Strategy.

Banyak bgt ilmu bermanfaat yg kita dapet di #SabtuSharing ini, khususnya ngerubah mindset kita sbg perusahaan jasa utk terus ngembangin ide-ide utk ngasih solusi bisnis ke klien dlm maintaining existing customers.

AISAS: Non-Linear model communication, Media Mix & Cross Communication salah satu yg dibahas. It’s time to say goodbye to conventional basic marketing funnel.

Terima kasih sahabat kami, Yohannes Sumera. Keep sharing knowledge, you have no idea how much it makes a huge impact to everyone you share with.

Kalo ada kakak2 diluar sana tertarik utk berbagi di #SabtuSharing kami akan senang sekali loh 🙂

Catatan: Gimana caranya menjelaskan dgn mudah tentang ini semua ke Lukman, Office Boy dan Kibo Brayson, Driver kami. That’s a new knowledge to master.

We believe in the power of togetherness, there’s nothing we can’t achieve just as long as we know there’s an idea worth sharing

Steny Agustaf

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